Can we tailor the assessment questions to our bank?

The LexAlign solution was developed using regulatory exam manuals and guidance and should be viewed as a standard that applies to all financial institutions. Since LexAlign Assessments are diagnostic interviews, rather than questionnaires, there isn’t a defined...

Where do the questions for the RDC Assessment come from?

The questions are all derived from regulatory exam manuals and guidance, reflecting regulator expectations. Here is a list of the authoritative sources used by LexAlign. ItemSourceAFederal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Bank Secrecy Act (BSA)...

What does LexAlign do for banks?

The LexAlign solution automates the onsite audit function for banks’ commercial customers that use treasury products like remote check deposits, ACH, and Wires. Sounds simple but what does this mean?  As Tracey Jackson, SVP Treasury Services Manager at Southern Bank...

What did LexAlign hear at the 2023 FIS Emerald conference?

Here’s some of what we’ve heard at the 2023 FIS Emerald conference: “We can see the value of LexAlign because the regulators are expecting more.  We like the intuitive nature of the assessment questions.” —COO, large community bank in Indiana. “This captures...